CORE ecosystem

Projects count on CORE

Count of CORE projects on Alphagrowth platform

Should I Build on CORE?

See the CORE Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects CORE is looking For

DeFi projects on CORE

36 total projects. $42,868,156 total chain TVL.


Dexs volume in CORE

TVL of projects on CORE

Name Categories TVL Launch date
DxSale Launchpad $652,759 n/a
IcecreamSwap DEX $601,065 n/a
ShadowSwap DEX $599,394 n/a
NLX Protocol Derivatives $470,781 n/a
Viridian Exchange DEX $390,335 n/a
Meson Cross Chain $364,466 n/a
SatoshiCoreSwap DEX $348,782 n/a
Aquarius Loan Lending $205,258 n/a
Bit Reserve Liquid Staking $48,347 n/a
Symbiosis Cross Chain $35,377 Nov. 24, 2021
Where can I stake CORE?
Where can I lend and borrow CORE?
Which bridges support CORE?
CORE can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:
Where can I pool CORE?
CORE can be pooled on: