Diment Dollar Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Diment Dollar.

Buy & Sell Diment Dollar Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Diment Dollar.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX DigiFinex DD/USDT $0.9995 %0.02 $8,665.12 $5,913.44 $483,701.00 30 minutes
CEX P2B DD/USDT $0.9994 %0.02 $11,594.41 $6,681.70 $1,175,339.00 31 minutes
CEX P2B DD/DD $1.0040 %0.32 $1,877.07 $3,872.06 $1,080,570.00 31 minutes
CEX BitMart DD/DD $1.0040 %0.47 $3,230.93 $8,222.94 $499,515.00 33 minutes
CEX BitMart DD/USDT $0.9994 %0.02 $7,896.80 $1,810.39 $515,261.00 33 minutes
CEX Biconomy DD/DD $1.0030 %0.29 $1,862.36 $2,925.27 $814,895.00 34 minutes
CEX Biconomy DD/USDT $0.9995 %0.02 $7,978.90 $5,947.60 $242,546.00 34 minutes

Market volume

CEX $4,811,827 - 0.0%

CEX $4,811,827

Total volume in the last 24 hours
