MultiversX ecosystem

Projects count on MultiversX

Count of MultiversX projects on Alphagrowth platform

Daily transactions in MultiversX

Count of daily transactions on MultiversX chain for the last 90 days

Should I Build on MultiversX?

See the MultiversX Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects MultiversX is looking For

DeFi projects on MultiversX

23 total projects. $201,754,180 total chain TVL.

MultiversX TVL

Dexs volume in MultiversX

TVL of projects on MultiversX

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Hatom Lending Lending $76,497,307 n/a
Hatom Liquid Staking Liquid Staking $51,507,747 n/a
xExchange DEX $43,985,754 n/a
Hatom Protocol Liquid Staking $12,010,843 n/a
Ashswap DEX $8,410,736 Nov. 2, 2022
JewelSwap Liquid Staking Liquid Staking $2,474,208 n/a
One Dex DEX $2,389,508 May 21, 2023
SALSA Liquid Staking $1,137,569 n/a
Bitfinex CEX $966,537 n/a
AshPerp Derivatives $791,667 n/a
Where can I lend and borrow egld?
Which bridges support egld?
egld can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:
Which NFT marketplaces support egld?
egld can be used to purchase NFTs on the following NFT marketplaces: