Ocean Protocol Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Ocean Protocol.

Buy & Sell Ocean Protocol Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Ocean Protocol.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Coinbase Exchange OCEAN/JST $0.8920 %0.12 $130,819.13 $142,531.41 $618,223.00 1 hour, 36 minutes
CEX Bitkub OCEAN/JST $0.8856 %0.24 $9,824.83 $5,998.95 $48,878.00 1 hour, 36 minutes
CEX KuCoin OCEAN/USDT $0.8912 %0.02 $68,679.22 $46,761.00 $145,640.00 1 hour, 36 minutes
CEX KuCoin OCEAN/BTC $0.8929 %0.31 $3,462.98 $13,859.12 $2,591.33 1 hour, 37 minutes
CEX KuCoin OCEAN/ETH $0.8942 %0.38 $1,734.14 $8,015.35 $1,356.48 1 hour, 37 minutes
CEX Hotcoin OCEAN/USDT $0.8918 %0.64 $886,265.89 $832,589.87 $167,906.00 1 hour, 37 minutes
CEX Tapbit OCEAN/USDT $0.8926 %0.61 $2,857.22 $2,994.26 $52,619.00 1 hour, 37 minutes
CEX LATOKEN OCEAN/USDT $0.8923 %0.05 $9,150.06 $19,114.64 $37,697.00 1 hour, 37 minutes
CEX Bithumb OCEAN/JST $0.9030 %0.72 $7,019.41 $27,856.87 $91,608.00 1 hour, 37 minutes
CEX HTX OCEAN/USDT $0.8928 %0.04 $1,282.30 $16,532.52 $3,420,525.00 1 hour, 37 minutes

Market volume

DEX $132,693 - 0.8%

CEX $16,280,580 - 99.2%

DEX $132,693
CEX $16,280,580

Total volume in the last 24 hours
