PayPal USD Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use PayPal USD.

Buy & Sell PayPal USD Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell PayPal USD.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Exchange PYUSD/JST $0.9998 %0.01 $538,786.00 $526,108.61 $1,026,775.00 42 minutes
CEX Exchange PYUSD/PYUSD $1.0010 %0.43 $2,688.25 $2,577.09 $1,536.37 42 minutes
CEX Exchange PYUSD/USDT $1.0000 %0.01 $383,603.41 $359,794.47 $7,407.14 42 minutes
CEX Hotcoin PYUSD/USDT $0.9977 %0.05 $221,016.47 $227,473.33 $3,988,983.00 42 minutes
CEX HTX PYUSD/USDT $0.9944 %0.02 $2,622.08 $829.25 $814,131.00 42 minutes
CEX BingX PYUSD/USDT $0.9923 %0.20 $18,077.10 $10,213.56 $24,532.00 43 minutes
CEX Bullish PYUSD/USDC $1.0010 %0.01 $3,908,000.26 $2,110,954.52 $8,565.43 43 minutes
CEX Bullish PYUSD/PYUSD $1.0030 %0.01 $189,056.23 $192,645.67 $1,823,838.00 43 minutes
DEX Curve (Ethereum) PYUSD/USDC $0.9976 %0.60 $226,046.92 $225,367.72 $1,128,030.00 50 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange PYUSD/JST $0.9989 %0.01 $1,272,523.53 $353,294.58 $42,967.00 1 hour

Market volume

DEX $1,202,483 - 13.2%

CEX $7,890,549 - 86.8%

DEX $1,202,483
CEX $7,890,549

Total volume in the last 24 hours
