USD Coin Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use USD Coin.

Buy & Sell USD Coin Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell USD Coin.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX LATOKEN USDC/USDC $1.0000 %0.01 $28,331.83 $16,020.75 $1,028,975.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX HTX USDC/USDC $1.0000 %0.03 $38,017.34 $42,155.09 $7,460,921.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX EXMO USDC/USDT $0.9998 %0.01 $34,036.96 $22,111.67 $94,001.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX Bitvavo USDC/JST $0.9997 %0.04 $369,281.88 $375,725.17 $98,216.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX OKX USDC/USDT $1.0000 %0.02 $732,481.25 $7,660,099.73 $15,076,554.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX WhiteBIT USDC/USDC $1.0010 %0.22 $338,774.89 $135,810.69 $165,789.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX BingX USDC/USDC $1.0010 %0.03 $42,760.49 $46,346.20 $63,627.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX DigiFinex USDC/USDC $1.0010 %0.01 $1,204,130.42 $716,736.42 $7,104,623.00 1 hour, 1 minute
CEX DigiFinex USDC/USDT $1.0010 %0.02 $11,634,554.58 $27,835,255.33 $29,537,174.00 1 hour, 1 minute
DEX Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) USDC/USDC $1.0000 %0.60 $2,171,802.08 $2,165,276.55 $5,213,650.00 1 hour, 1 minute

Market volume

DEX $128,227,465 - 16.1%

CEX $668,944,048 - 83.9%

DEX $128,227,465
CEX $668,944,048

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Where can I stake usdc?
Where can I buy usdc?
usdc can be bought and traded on the following exchanges and websites:
Where can I lend and borrow usdc?
Where to bridge to usdc?
usdc can be bridged using the following bridging platforms: