zkSync Era ecosystem

Projects count on zkSync Era

Count of zkSync Era projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on zkSync Era

Category Projects Count
DeFi Onchain Trade, EraLend, Deri Protocol, Velocore V1, SyncSwap and 121 more 128
DEX Onchain Trade, Velocore V1, SyncSwap, SpaceFi Evmos, GemSwap and 48 more 53
Derivatives Onchain Trade, UniDex, Flux Exchange, Maverick Protocol, Rollup Finance Stake and 17 more 22
Lending EraLend, ReactorFusion, RociFi V2, Tarot, xBank Finance and 8 more 13
Yield Zks Miner, Overnight USD+, GDT.id, Domani Protocol, Rollup Finance Stake and 2 more 7
CEX Gate-io, Bitget, Bybit, Crypfi, OKX and 1 more 6
Cross Chain Symbiosis, NerveBridge, XY Finance, Interport Finance, Crypfi and 1 more 6
Yield Aggregator Froggy Protocol, Kannagi Finance, Autoearn Finance, Parallax, SyncYield 5
Infrastructure Xircus Web3 Protocol, GDT.id, Epoch Protocol, Catapulta 5
Options Deri Protocol, Zomma Protocol, Crypfi, Deri V4 4
Bridge Symbiosis, NerveBridge, XY Finance, cBridge 4
Chain Xircus Web3 Protocol, NerveBridge, zk.Link 4
NFT Marketplace Monkeys - On Zksync Era, Intswap 4
Wallets Xircus Web3 Protocol, Catapulta 3
CeFi WOOFi Swap, Bitget, Crypfi 3
CDP Overnight USD+, Gravita Protocol, ICHI 3
SoFi Touch.fan, Money Mates, hi.market 3
Gaming GDT.id 2
Algo-Stables OrderNChaos, TiTi Protocol 2
Leveraged Farming zkFox, VivaLeva Protocol 2
NFT Lending ParaSpace Lending V1 2
Farm SyncDEX Finance, zkDX 2
Liquidity manager DefiEdge, ICHI 2
Privacy Spiral Fi Mixer 1
Staking Maverick Protocol 1
Liquid Staking Veno Finance 1
Services 1
Reserve Currency Syncus 1
Indexes Domani Protocol 1
RWA Crypfi 1
Prediction Market Xircus Web3 Protocol 1
RWA Lending Crypfi 1
Options Vault Crypfi 1
Ponzi Zks Miner 1

Should I Build on zkSync Era?

See the zkSync Era Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects zkSync Era is looking For

DeFi projects on zkSync Era

130 total projects. $250,177,483 total chain TVL.

zkSync Era TVL

Dexs volume in zkSync Era

TVL of projects on zkSync Era

Name Categories TVL Launch date
SyncSwap DEX $56,498,111 n/a
Gate-io CEX $36,360,484 n/a
zkSwap Finance DEX $14,819,531 n/a
Koi Finance DEX $14,788,598 n/a
ZeroLend Lending $12,941,787 n/a
Bitget CEX $11,382,319 n/a
Bybit CEX $9,251,914 n/a
Velocore $6,273,595 n/a
Waifu by Velocore DEX $5,936,026 Nov. 21, 2023
SpaceFi Evmos DEX $5,728,510 n/a
Where can I stake zkSync Era?
Where can I buy zkSync Era?
zkSync Era can be bought and traded on the following exchanges and websites:
Which bridges support zkSync Era?
zkSync Era can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:
Which NFT marketplaces support zkSync Era?
zkSync Era can be used to purchase NFTs on the following NFT marketplaces: