Switcheo Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Switcheo.

Buy & Sell Switcheo Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Switcheo.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Gate.io SWTH/ETH $0.0052 %4.90 $9,871.16 11 minutes
CEX Gate.io SWTH/USDT $0.0053 %3.01 $92.36 $458.48 $3,122.51 12 minutes
CEX MEXC SWTH/USDT $0.0053 %0.89 $95.53 $208.89 $26,248.00 13 minutes
DEX Demex SWTH/ETH $0.0054 %1.41 $392.34 $406.32 $7,966.39 13 minutes
DEX Demex SWTH/BNB $0.0063 %0.10 $1,016.29 $21.76 $16.40 13 minutes
DEX Demex SWTH/JST $0.0054 %0.56 $2,075.96 $1,836.68 $11,352.90 41 minutes
DEX Osmosis SWTH/OSMO $0.0054 %0.62 $640.74 $638.82 $2,738.84 50 minutes
DEX Demex SWTH/SWTH $0.0065 %0.29 $9,683.41 $17,788.02 $27.27 10 hours, 9 minutes

Market volume

DEX $22,102 - 36.0%

CEX $39,242 - 64.0%

DEX $22,102
CEX $39,242

Total volume in the last 24 hours
